Lynn Katzenmeyer is a Southern Minnesota author.
She enjoys writing stories that explore tropes of fantasy romance particularly fated mates.
Lynn explores the darker side of “one true love.” In the Kootenai Pack novels, Lynn writes emotional character driven stories about shifters finding fulfillment in relationships whether fate agrees or not.
Lynn enjoys hiking, road trips, and cuddling with her husband and three cats.
Find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Good Reads, and Amazon Author Central.
You can also contact Lynn via email at Lynn@LynnKatzenmeyer.com
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Frequently Asked Questions:
Why are you only on Amazon?
At some point in the future, I might go wide, but for now I’m excited to be included in the Kindle Unlimited Library. As a reader, I’ve devoured thousands of KU books and I write my books for readers like me.
when’s the next book coming out?
I try to have a new book out every so often. My writing pace has slowed somewhat and I’m working on a few projects at once. Sometimes they come out faster, sometimes it takes a little longer. If you’re itching to read more, shoot me an email, I’m always looking for eager beta/alpha readers!
Where can I get more pictures of Stinky the Cat?
Stinky cat can be found on a semi-regular basis on my twitter and instagram!
Why is the next book in my favorite series taking so long?
While there are hundreds of reasons I could probably articulate based on the book. I’ll blame the cutest reason. See below: